We’re reading from Marcus Borg’s Evolution of the Word: The New Testament in the Order the Books Were Written, and everyone is welcome to join us in person or on Zoom. Copies of the book are available in the church office.
Spiritual formation is the activity of the Holy Spirit which molds our lives into the likeness of Jesus Christ. This likeness is one of deep intimacy with God and genuine compassion for all of creation. The Spirit works not only in the lives of individuals but also in the church, shaping it into the Body of Christ. We cooperate with this work of the Spirit through certain practices that make us more open and responsive to the Spirit’s touch, disciplines such as sabbath keeping, works of compassion and justice, discernment, worship, hospitality, spiritual friendships, and contemplative silence.
Evolution of the Word: The New Testament in the Order the Books Were Written
We’re reading from Marcus Borg’s Evolution of the Word: The New Testament in the Order the Books Were Written, and everyone is welcome to join us in person or on Zoom. Copies of the book are available in the church office.
The general format is to read the introductory material for each section, then to read through the Biblical texts and talk about what it meant for early Christians and what it might mean for us today. We try to discipline ourselves to keeping the conversation to an hour every week.
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Sunday school packets are sent home for families to do together. This was started during the pandemic and families discovered that it was great to be able to do them as a family. We realized that more people could benefit from them since the packets were sent home to everybody and not just who could make it on Sunday, so we have kept them going. The packets contain items based on the scripture passage being taught that upcoming Sunday. They include things like coloring pages, the scripture passage, word search, and a craft or activity idea. Please speak with a pastor if you would like to know more about the Sunday school packets.
United Presbyterian Church of Binghamton is a member of the Binghamton University Interfaith Council. The BU Interfaith Council helps BU students, faculty, and staff explore their faith, connect with their faith tradition while they are away from home, learn about other faith traditions, and learn how to engage in interfaith dialogue in a positive and respectful way.
The BU Interfaith Council holds events through the semester such as Common Ground and Soul Care Events. Email bkindig@upcbgm.org if you would like to be on the email list for these events.
If you would like to speak with a Presbyterian pastor, Pastor Kimberly and Pastor Becky would be happy to make an appointment to meet with people at church or on campus and Pastor Becky holds office hours in the BU Interfaith Council office in UU306 once a week.
To learn more about the Binghamton University Interfaith Council, you can go to their website here: binghamton.edu/dean-of-students/buic/index.html