

How can I help? First and foremost, PRAY! Ask how God will have you use your gifts and talents to glorify God. We ask that you pray for the ministry of the United Presbyterian Church of Binghamton; for clarity and strength in doing God’s work. We ask that you prayerfully consider how God will use you in this ministry; whether it is volunteering to prepare food or clean up at our Tuesday Community Meal, participating in outreach events in our community, devoting your time and energy to the work of one of our ministry teams, or through your financial contributions.


Below is a link to our e-giving site, where you can make a tax-deductible contribution to UPC. You will be asked to create an account and from there will be able to give via check or credit card. You can also set up recurring gifts. We encourage you to lift up in prayer how God will use you to bless UPC in fulfilling our mission to share the good news of Jesus Christ!

Planned Giving

Giving for the future.

Making a planned gift is not just for those who have wealth or special financial expertise but for anyone with a generous spirit who wants to designate their gifts while they are living. As members and friends of the United Presbyterian Church, we share a deep sense of gratitude for those who have gone before us. They gave gifts to fund the current needs and for the long-term benefit of those who would follow them in ministry.

Thoughtfully planned, any of the following giving options may provide important personal benefits while supporting UPC ministries into the future.

  • Bequest through your will or trust
  • Retirement assets (i.e., pension plans, IRAs)
  • Life income gift through a trust
  • Privately held securities
  • Charitable gift annuities
  • Real estate
  • Donor Advised Fund
  • Naming the church as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy

Your legacy gift ensures the continued vitality of UPC from one generation to the next. While a planned gift brings a sense of fulfillment to our own lives, it may also provide financial benefits to the donor, including tax savings, reduced capital gains and estate taxes, and release from financial management.

The following language may be appropriate for a bequest of a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a description of the property you wish to give.

I give the sum of $                   to the United Presbyterian Church of Binghamton, located at 42 Chenango Street, Binghamton, New York, 13901 to be for its general purposes (or for the specific purpose of                      ).

NOTE: Every will, living trust, or other charitable planned gift is unique and should be structured to fit the needs and estate plan of each individual according to state laws. As with any decision regarding legal and financial matters, you should consult your own independent professionals such as an attorney, accountant, trust officer, life insurance professional, or investment advisor.

Have you already included UPC in your will or estate plan? Please let us know!
We thank the Fourth Presbyterian Church of Chicago for providing the inspiration and verbiage for this page.