The United Presbyterian Church of Binghamton is a family who joins together to welcome the presence of God and to live out the calling God has placed on our lives. When you worship with us, you can expect a strong and challenging message, a nourishing worship experience, and a whole lot of community. We are proudly an open and affirming congregation, and we aren’t afraid to talk about the hard stuff or ask questions.
Worship is a time of education for all ages. All are welcome to join us as we gather both in person and virtually (on YouTube, Zoom, or via phone call) to pray, hear God’s word read and proclaimed, share our joys and concerns, and experience worshipful music. Our Sunday morning worship service is a traditional format with a relaxed atmosphere.
Music is an important part of our coming together at United Presbyterian Church. We are excited to make music with every resource that we have, and to use a variety of styles, not all at once but intermingled. What emerges is a vibrant worship service with music that includes everyone who wishes to participate. Our vocal and handbell choirs regularly provide music for our worship services. We also invite instrumentalists and vocalists who’d like to share their gifts to talk with Music Coordinator Aimée Backus, United Ringers director Austin Shadduck, or accompanist Becky Mebert for information.
We keep the inside doors open throughout worship, and air filtration units are deployed throughout the sanctuary to enhance your safety.
Our worship services are livestreamed on our YouTube channel, and if you missed out on watching live, you can always view the service later.
You can also connect with us via the Zoom app, or call in over the phone to hear worship: call 646-558-8656, then enter Meeting ID: 865 274 8433 #